
Elocution means the art of clear, expressive speech. The event like elocution is held in Montfort school, not only to analyze the speaking quality of the students but also to develop self-confidence in them.

Now-a-days to get a job whether it is a government job or a job in multinational company, we need to be fluent in speaking. Thus competitions based on elocution prepare the young minds of our school for the competitions, they have to face later.

Every year the elocution competition is held in Montfort School. The purpose of this event is to help the students to analyze and balance whatever they are going to say in front of others. It generally helps them to think and judge for themselves and accept only what is considered to be correct. In other words, we can say that it makes them to learn their own opinions on any particular subject or topic.

Through this competition the students learn to make the detailed outline of their ideas with the conglomeration of unity and balance in thoughts and giving charity to what to say.

Elocution Competition 2017

“Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don`t mind matter ,and those who matter don`t mind ” on 12th may 2017 as the development of literary club member organized a school level speech competition on the topic of “ENVIRONMENT “.

The department invited all the students to participate in the speech competition.The program was started at 8.00 am into two group , the junior section and the senior section in the school hall. the program was led by the literary club member . The competition was judged by the panel of four teacher Mr.Selcius Jojo ,Mr.Rajesh Barla,Mr.Ananad Prakash Minj and Mam Saly Xavier in Senior Section and in the junior section Mr.James Bage , Mr.Anand Sanjay Bara,Mr.Binay Bilung,and Mrs.Crecencia Kindo to ensure the fair judgement of the performer. It was really hard for judges to decide the winners. Therefore the criteria`s for judgement was content deliverd cretivity communication skills voice modulation and pronunciation etc.There were 60 students was participated in the elocution competition .The students form all the section of classes participated in the competition with utmost enthusiasm and energy.

Finally the session was concluded by Br. Binoy Meenattoor the Pricipal of Montfort Senior Secondary School konbir Gumla with a beautiful inspiring and compliments to the students.

Literary Club In-Charge

Mrs. Savita Kumari
