Our Principal

Welcome to Montfort Senior Secondary School, Our Motto, “Rise and Shine” illuminates every corner of our school. The hallmark of Montfort is, we create a haven where everyone is cared for, thereby an environment of learning is nurtured.

Embracing the motto, “Rise and Shine” we light the spark to propel the journey. A journey through learning to enlightenment. We begin our day with embracing possibilities. Our team of dedicated teachers and non-teaching staff foster an atmosphere where curiosity is ignited, independence is encouraged and instil love for learning.

Montfort Senior Secondary School is more than a school, in fact it is a home away from home where children flourish academically, socially, emotionally, physically and environmentally. We create an environment for each child to discover their interest and aptitude and allow them to blossom at their own pace. The “Rise and Shine” our motto permeates our classrooms, where every child is encouraged to realise the potential within.

In Montfort we strive to transform the good individual, to a better we, to realise the best. The synergy in Montfort Senior Secondary School lays the foundation for a positive and effective learning experience. It promotes not only academic development but also the crucial social and emotional skills that children will carry with them throughout their educational journey and beyond.

Let the journey of learning in Montfort, where “rise and Shine” is the guiding principle, lighting the path for each child to grow, learn, and ultimately, shine brightly.
